is truly a custom shopping cart solution company. All page layouts and designs are custom developed to suit the needs of your business for online sales. Your custom e-commerce shopping cart system will integrate seamlessly into your new web site design or an existing web site. The product display and ordering are all database driven.
Our Standard shopping cart program or e-commerce shopping cart Program will provide you with the flexibility or features that you want or need. Our Standard shopping cart system will have all the features that you want and none that you don’t want. Why settle for a pre-made ecommerce shopping cart for your ecommerce web site, when you can have one that is custom designed just for your web site and your online ecommerce needs.
Standard Shopping Cart features :
- Unlimited categories, products and versions
- Unlimited category levels
- Unlimited currencies (UK pounds, US dollars, Euros, etc.)
- Multi-language capability
- Use MS Access, MS SQL Server or MySQL (v5+, for Windows) databases
- Shopping cart: cookieless sessions with cookie backup
- Shopping cart: aggregates identical items to same row
- Shopping cart: calculates promotions, discounts and coupons while shopping
- Shopping cart: mini basket summary on each page
- Shopping cart: clears out of stock and non-live items dynamically
- Shopping cart: reduces quantity added to basket to remaining stock level
- Subcategories can have multiple parent categories
- Products can have multiple parent categories
- Products can have unlimited options
- Products can also have versions rather than options
- Paging of products
- Stock level tracking of versions
- Stock level tracking of options possible
- Multiple display formats for products and categories
- Display formats set at local and/or global level
- Categories have normal and large images
- Products have normal and large images
- Versions have normal and large images
- Customer reviews
- Cross-selling: ‘customers who bought this also bought’
- Cross-selling: ‘related products’
- Cross-selling: ‘see also’
- Home page: displays all this items ‘top selling items List’, ‘most recent items list’, ‘configurable news items’, ‘feature selected products’
- Shipping: UPS real-time rates support
- Shipping: by order value or weight
- Shipping: unlimited shipping methods
- Shipping: unlimited shipping zones (UK, EU, etc.)
- Shipping: unlimited shipping price/weight bands
- Shipping: free shipping option per item
- Shipping: bypass in checkout if free
- Sell downloads
- Customer account section
- Save basket
- Wishlist
- Coupons (fixed price or %)
- Customer discount (%)
- Customer groups*
- Limit access to store to registered customers only
- Limit access to some items to members of certain groups*
- Customer group discounts*
- Powerful shopping cart search
- Search by price range, keywords and category
- Affiliate program with view-able statistics for affiliates
- Mailing list management (with opt-in confirmation)
- Full order history for customers
- Printable invoice for customer
- Full UK / EU VAT handling
- Display prices including VAT
- Display prices excluding VAT
- Display prices including and excluding VAT
- Zero rate order if EU VAT number supplied
- Basic EU VAT number format check for all 25 countries
- Zero VAT for non-EU orders
- Handle VAT correctly for discounts, promotions and coupons
- VAT based on shipping or billing address (switchable)
- Show VAT during checkout and on confirmation and invoice
- US state tax handling
- Charge tax rate depending on customer state
- Zero rate overseas and out-of-state orders
- Terms and conditions checkbox prior to payment (switchable)
- Order confirmation shown to customer after payment
- Unlimited store logins
- Automated ‘to do’ task list
- Comprehensive database driven config system
- Restrict login’s privileges
- Comprehensive cross-data keyword search
- Basic CMS to add new text pages
- Currency rate feed (if valid support cover active, most common currencies such as UK pound, US dollar, Euros, etc.)
- Export customer/order data
- Build custom CSV exports without hacking ASP
- View statistical data
- Price markup tool
- Approve customer reviews
- Approve affiliate program applications
- Approve downloadable item orders
- 2checkout
- AuthorizeNet AIM
- AuthorizeNet SIM
- Barclays EPDQ
- Google Checkout (beta)
- Paypal IPN
- Paypal Payflow Link
- Paypal Payflow Pro
- Protx VSP Form
- Netbanx
- Realex Pay and Shop
- SecPay Premium
- Secure Trading ST Payment Pages
- VelocityPay Direct Connection
- VelocityPay Hosted Pages
- WorldPay WorldDirect (Select Junior)
- Offline payment (purchase order)
SEO Enable Shopping Cart
Our SEO enable shopping cart is search engine friendly, easy to manage and provides an enriched shopping experience for your customers. We have more than just a powerful shopping cart solution. We offer a complete on line store builder with built-in shopping cart that empowers any business to sell online.
SEO Enable Shopping Cart Features :
Our SEO enable shopping cart includes all standard shopping cart features and additional features are listed below.
- Promotions
- Buy X of Version A, Get Y of Version B for free
- Buy X of Version A, Get $Y off
- Buy X of Version A, Get Y% off product B
- Spend $X, Get Y of Version B for free
- Spend $X, Get $Y off
- Spend $X, Get Y% off product B
- SEO: friendly URLs (URL rewriting)
- SEO: static page generator
- SEO: Google sitemaps
- SEO: sitemap page
- SEO: optimized XHTML code
- SEO: configurable pagetitle and metatags for products
If you have more question about having a professionally designed eCommerce web site, custom shopping cart system or custom database design and integration please contact us . There is no charge to have questions answered. All design cost estimates and consultations are FREE and you are under NO obligation.